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Currently Viewing: Maps | Maps-16th to 19th Century

The charm and interest of early maps lies in their aesthetic value, in the glimpses they allow of the way early travellers viewed the country and as evidence of the changing importance of towns and districts over the years. The earliest maps were based on the manuscript charts of the Portuguese navigators with additional information gleaned from travellers’ reports.

Listing 1-5 of 10 product(s)   Pages   1 2 
Map of Bombay – De Mannevillette, c. 1775
Code : MBOMJ 01
Size : (Inches) 18 x 25.25

Map of Island of Bombay & Sallset – Thornton, c. 1685
Code : MBOMJ 02
Size : (Inches) 18 x 21.50

Carte de Bombay - Jean Nichola Bellin
Code : MBOSJ 03
Size : (Inches) 18 x 23.75

Early Map of India – Gastaldi, c. 1565
Code : MINSJ 05
Size : (Inches) 12.50 x 17

Map of India – Da Vignola, c. 1683
Code : MINMJ 06
Size : (Inches) 18 x 22.50
Listing 1-5 of 10 product(s)   Pages   1 2 
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